With the pandemic still in full swing, most of us have taken so many hobbies and activities that occupy us, allow us to pass the time, and in a way reminds us that there is still that big, outside world we can connect to and just can’t explore for the meantime. Some of us have held monumental marathons on Netflix, some of us have explored skills in the kitchen, while others have honed their (or verified that they don’t have a) green thumb. Yet others, to remind them of those days of commuting to work and having a drink with colleagues after office hours, continue to listen to podcasts that we have been loyal to even before COVID-19 disrupted our lives.
But then, has it ever occurred to you that you can also do a podcast? There has been a surge in the amount of content people publish. Whether it is to bring some semblance of normality in their lives or to remind others in their network what they’ve been up to in these boring times, sharing podcasts can be quite therapeutic and effective as a social activity these days. If you are currently thinking, “Why not? That sounds like a lot of fun,” then maybe you should read on and check whether you and the people you want to do podcasts with have these already. Of course, it goes without saying that you would need an internet connection and a laptop or desktop computer in order to stream a podcast. Here are other items you would need:
Get a microphone
A microphone is a must so that you can put your voice into the computer for recording. The variety of microphones run from affordable to high-end, and the good news is you really don’t have to go for the more expensive mics to ensure great function. The more basic microphone models can also do a good job with reasonable quality. The thing to remember is to check the quality of the sound with the mic you are going to get. The better the quality, the more professional you will sound, the higher the likelihood of people listening to you. Suffice to say the basic mic or headset you use for Zoom and Skype calls may not really cut it.
Whether you’re picking podcasting up as a hobby or a new venture, one thing’s for sure: Low-quality equipment could make or break even the most compelling content, as otherwise interested listeners might be too distracted by background noise. The best podcast microphones will ensure rich, clear vocals, so even if you’re a one-person show, you won’t sound like one.
(Via: https://www.rollingstone.com/product-recommendations/electronics/best-podcast-microphones-1061917/)
Get a headset
A headset is a must if you are going to have a podcast with multiple participants. If you are doing a solo act podcast or if you’re not doing a reaction vlog or content that would require you to watch or listen to another person or piece of content, then a headset may not be necessary. But if you have a partner or you’re doing a reaction podcast, then make sure you have a great headset. Here is a look at the headphones one of the most successful podcasters is using:
When podcasting for up to three hours at a time, you are going to need a comfortable and reliable pair of headphones. While watching Rogan at work, I became curious as to which make headphones he and his guests were using. I even got a few messages from readers who wanted to know what Rogan had clamped on his head.
(Via: https://www.forbes.com/sites/marksparrow/2020/09/06/which-headphones-does-joe-rogan-wear-when-podcasting/#739f5e863503)
Get recording and mixing software
Recording and mixing software are musts if want to enhance your presentations. Podcasts that feature only one voice are good, but for adding elements that make your podcasts more exciting like intros and background musical score, then you need to have recording and missing software in the mix (pun intended-ish).
But, before you can record, you’ll need something to record and edit your podcast. That’s where a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) comes in, preferably one you know how to use that is within your budget. Most DAWs can record and edit, but the advanced features may vary from one to the next. Some programs only record audio, while others can automatically edit your audio through an algorithm. You can record, edit, and master your podcast manually, or you can pay someone to do it.
(Via: https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/podcast-editing-software-ranked/)
Finally, your laptop needs to be in great condition. If you need help with malfunctioning hard drives, read this: https://www.harddrivefailurerecovery.net/how-to-fix-logical-hard-drive-errors. Get in touch with us so we can help.