Hard Drive Recovery Associates

Synology’s DiskStation DS916+ A Solid NAS Choice For Businesses

Synology’s DiskStation DS916+ A Solid NAS Choice For Businesses

synology-diskstation-ds916There’s no denying that the world is advancing in the realm of technology with every passing day. We now hold the equivalent to a computer in the palm of our hands. Technology has not only impacted our personal lives, but our professional lives as well. Having hard copies of documents is going the way of the dodo while the preference for electronic documentation is on the rise.

The problem that many businesses face with this change is the fact that electronic files have a real risk at being corrupted or accidentally removed. While we are making advancements, there is no shortage of skills we need to develop to keep our information secure.

In comes cloud-based technology. ‘The Cloud’ is that remote database where you can store all manner of files. There are several companies that specialize in remote backup services where you are given a set amount of space and pay a fee to store your files. Instead of having rooms dedicated to hard drives specifically for the purpose of saving data businesses can use that space to store product, create offices or expand their staff.

No matter what your business is, your main goal, aside from serving your clients, is keeping their information safe. The risk that is run by using a remote cloud server to back up your files is that you don’t have control over what happens to that server. If the server goes down, you can expect to be without your data for hours, sometimes even days. The benefit of having your cloud servers on location is immeasurable. The new Synology DiskStation DS916+ NAS server has been designed to solve the problems you didn’t even think you had:

The Synology DiskStation DS916+ NAS server provides an ideal private cloud solution for your business, both protecting your data and maximising your productivity.

A full-featured 4-drive-bay network attached storage solution optimised for intensive tasks, it is specifically designed for small and medium-sized business users and IT enthusiasts who care about high performance throughput and safety for data sharing and backup.

But DS916+ is much more than just a powerful storage, offering in addition 4K transcoding capability, expandability, and a next-generation Btrfs file system.


Most people switch between multiple devices every day, and Cloud Station allows you to synchronize data across all your devices, such as computers, mobile devices or DS916+.

Utilizing the massive storage space of DS916+, you can build a private cloud for everyone in your company, without having to pay monthly fees to providers like Dropbox or Google Drive.

Via: http://mybroadband.co.za/news/industrynews/165266-new-synology-diskstation-ds916-nas-server-an-all-in-one-storage-solution-for-smbs.html

Not only are you saving money by using a local backup like the Synology DiskStation, you are gaining more control over what happens to your data. This is the ideal situation for many small and mid-sized businesses as they grow their client base and expand their reach. More and more businesses are moving towards cloud-based data storage to help cut down on space required. The more money you save on office space the more funds you can invest into your staff and business.

It’s the smart way to do business and an easy solution to your data problems.