Hard Drive Recovery Associates

External Hard Drive Basics

External Hard Drive Basics

Data is a big thing in our world today. Almost everyone is raving about it. It’s no longer a luxury but a precious commodity we all need in our day-to-day. Can you imagine not having enough storage space for all the data you own? Now, there’s also data that pertains to just how much you can surf the web but this time, it is our data or information that takes center stage as we are using up more and more each day we need to have backup storage devices for when disaster strikes. Your options are no longer limited to flash drives that may be handy to use but has limited storage space, unlike external hard drives that can pack in more data at once. And because it has been around for quite some time, the prices are more competitive and you can afford to purchase a terabyte of EHD at a fraction of its price two or three years ago.

It is but a must to secure a backup storage gadget because accidents do happen. You may inadvertently delete your valuable files and later on realize they are one of a kind and you don’t have a duplicate lurking anywhere else. That can spell trouble especially if time is of the essence and you need to produce your missing files in short notice because of school or work presentations, for instance. It is a good practice to save important files you use daily and transfer them to your external hard drive to ensure you have a second copy when worst comes to worst. They are basically like your flash drives, only bigger and better and a bit more costly too.

Storing absolutely everything on your PC can be handy if you have space to accommodate it all, but even if you don’t slow your Windows installation down to a halt, you’ll be running the risk of losing everything stored on the PC if you do not backup. The easiest (and most affordable) way of backing things up on your PC and hosting media files on the go is an external hard drive. This can come in the form of a traditional mechanical Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or a new Solid State Drive (SSD).

The choice may appear to be straightforward but there are a number of things you should consider before buying an external drive.

(Via: https://www.windowscentral.com/everything-you-need-know-buying-external-hard-drive)

Well, you can always argue that the cloud is just as excellent a data storage option as an external hard drive. Well, nobody is arguing with you on that. If you can save on the cloud too, then better. However, like any storage device, it has its limitations and you need to have an Internet connection to be able to access your files. When you’re using an external hard drive, you can open your files in the absence of a WiFi connection or data because you just connect it to your device. Most professional cloud storages require a monthly upkeep that you will no longer to fork out with an EHD although you have to spend for the device during purchase.

HHD vs. SSD: There are two main types: HHDs, or hard disk drives, and SSDs, or solid-state drives. The difference is pretty important. HHDs store information on a spinning disk and that disk can be a source of hard drive failure. SSDs, on the other hand, have no moving parts and are thus more reliable as portable hard drives. The tradeoff is that SSDs are a lot more expensive.

Storage amount: You’ll also want to consider how much storage you need. If you’re a videographer or photographer, chances are you could easily fill up a hard drive quickly, so you’ll want a higher-capacity drive. If on the other hand, you’re simply transferring Microsoft Word documents to and from work, then you won’t need as much storage and could save a few bucks by getting a lower storage drive.

Connection: Next up, you’ll want to think about the kind of connection you want your hard drive to connect through. The vast majority of external hard drives connect to a computer through USB, and nowadays it’s through USB 3.0, but there are still some USB 2.0-capable hard drives. There are also plenty of hard drives that connect through Firewire, and some that even connect through Thunderbolt.

(Via: http://www.businessinsider.com/best-external-hard-drive)

You don’t have to be a computer whiz or geek to understand what external hard drives are about or how they work. Again, think of them as bigger versions of your handy USB. But like internal hard drives that may fail because of wear and tear or something else, an external hard drive may fail you too especially if a virus is responsible. So, it makes perfect sense to store at least two copies of your data in different locations just to be sure that you are not left empty-handed when the unfortunate time comes.

When you eventually face a problem when your internal hard drive crashes, it won’t be as painful as knowing you don’t have copies of every single file you have stored there. Learning a thing or two about data recovery services may likewise come in handy especially if you are not prepared for such a situation and missed out on the chance to save yourself by buying an external hard drive just for this purpose. At some point in your life, you may face a problem like this https://www.harddrivefailurerecovery.net/hard-drive-crash-a-sign-of-things-to-come/ and be unable to use your device anymore until you have its HDD replaced or simply buy a new gadget if you have the cash to spare. But if you don’t have duplicate copies of your files, you may have to deal with https://www.harddrivefailurerecovery.net/hard-drive-recovery/ in a last attempt to salvage your data before raising the flag. They may come costly at times but so is all the hassle of losing data that can make or break your education or career.