We use data everywhere. From our own personal information to school or work-related documents and files, we have different uses for these data and require 24/7 access to it when the need arises. In our modern world, most of these data are stored in digital mediums like computers or smart…
Data Recovery: It’s All About Who Does It
Data is perhaps one of the most valued and pricey commodity there is in today’s world. People cry over lost data and some are willing to pay a fortune to get their lost ones back. It can be such a pain when you lose access to your data or accidentally…
Data Recovery And How It Helps Your Business
Data is crucial to running a business. Can businesses survive in the event of data loss? Well, it depends on what data was lost and its extent, like how many data were lost and how it will affect the business as a whole. It also helps to know which type…
Protect Your Data Steadfastly
Living in a digital world like ours today has its perks but it also has its drawbacks. No life is perfect and we likewise face issues that are only brought about by modern living. Everywhere you look, there is a tech device or something tech-related that does something for us…
Smartphones Make You Dumb And Dumber
If there is one thing many people admit they can’t live without these days, it has to be smartphones. Whatever the brand, whether it is Android or iOS, smartphones make the world go round. Like the web, it made life so much easier and completely changed the way we live…
Lost Your Data? Here’s What You Should Do (Or Probably Not)
Technology rules the world. There’s no point denying that. Everywhere you look, you’d see various tech gadgets and knick knacks dominating our life. As important as technology is, another equally important piece of commodity is data. Data pertains to all sorts of information that has been input on a computer…
Security Issues On The Web
We now live in a digital world where technology makes the world go round. At home, we try to automate as much as we can so we free ourselves from the hassle of doing manual labor leaving us with more time to pursue our interests. The same thing applies to…